Source Code Overview

The source code for the project is located in the Github repository here.

New Hardware

The new piece of hardware for this project is the Adafruit LED matrix. This hardware is controllable by shifting RGB channel data through two row pins and into the LED matrix shift registers. A LATCH signal must be asserted afterwards to push the bits from the shift register to the matrix row. An OE (output enable) is then asserted to wipe the screen and control brightness. The timing diagram for this transaction is below.


The new Microcontroller peripheral is the ADC, which converts the analog signal to a digital signal.

Bill of Materials

Item Part Number Quantity Unit Price Link
Adafruit 64x64 RGB LED Matrix - 2.5mm Pitch - 1/32 3649 1 $54.95 link
UPduino v3.1 FPGA N/A 1 N/A N/A
TL084 FET-Input Operational Amplifiers TL084 1 N/A link
MCP601 Operational Amplifier MCP601 1 N/A link
4 Position DIP Switch N/A 2 N/A N/A
10K Potentiometer N/A 3 N/A N/A
10K Potentiometer N/A 3 N/A N/A
Resistors N/A 14 N/A N/A
Capacitors N/A 4 N/A N/A
Sheet Wood N/A 2 N/A N/A

Total cost: $54.95